Thursday, February 17, 2011

Photoshop Notes 6

Hue is another word for colour

-You should constantly zoom in on your work to see if your selection is proper

-The shortcut for the hand tool is the space button

-To zoom in, use ctrl + space

-To Zoom out, use alt+space

-To add to a selection hold down shift, and to remove selection hold down alt.

-ctrl + D is deselect

- Invert select is Shift + Ctrl + I

- Wand tool is quicker and better than the Magnetic selection tool

-To navigate, hold the space bar

-The default colours are Black and white, to restore the default, use the small black and white button

-Selections are important because you need to isolate some objects

-To deselect, press ctrl + D, to invert selection, press ctrl+shift+I

-The short cut to fill is Alt + Delete

-To get back a selection, you can save it or, ctrl + click

-The number one thing you do in photoshop is to duplicate your original background layer

-Use the magice wand tool to select the background and than inverse to have your object selected.

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